Why We Should Protect Animals
Although humans view themselves as being on top of the food chain, we do not integrate well into the natural ecosystem. We often disrupt fragile animal habitats without blinking an eye because a new shopping mall must be constructed. However, altering the natural habitat comes with consequences, and our way of life is directly tied to our conservation efforts and protecting animals. We are in the midst of the 6th great extinction event due to global warming, and everyone must help do their part to protect animals and help with wildlife conservation.
Which Animals Need Help?
Countless wild animals face the threat of extinction. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service maintains a list of endangered and threatened animals. To protect these endangered animals, citizens and businesses must comply with the Endangered Species Act. This list is not exhaustive because it only lists the threatened species that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is aware of. It is estimated that globally, 24 – 150 species are lost daily (source). This is a huge loss of biodiversity on the planet and truly unfortunate for future generations.

You will also find domestic animals that need help if you look closely within your community. Approximately 6.3 million cats and dogs enter animal shelters annually in the United States (source). Of these, 920,000 are euthanized due to a lack of available homes and resources. You could make a large impact on these animals by adopting or becoming a foster parent for a local animal shelter.
In addition to wildlife and shelter animals, commercial animal industries like farm animal agriculture or animal testing are some of the most inhumane industries today. Animals are typically jammed in tight cages, unable to turn around or even stretch their limbs out for weeks on end, all for the sake of human consumption or testing. Sadly, many of these animals never even experience a taste of fresh air or sunlight.
Do Animals Have Rights?
Within the United States, animals are viewed as property and do not hold rights of their own. Therefore, an owner could legally euthanize a perfectly healthy pet. Owners and businesses must comply with animal anticruelty laws. Animal cruelty laws exist to protect animals from unnecessary suffering and harm. In the United States, the first anti-cruelty law was passed in 1828 in New York state. This law made it a misdemeanor offense to intentionally abuse or neglect any “creature which is usually kept as a domestic animal.”
However, outside of the anticruelty parameters, animals have no other rights. You can find out more about the history of animal rights here.
Which Animals Are Endangered?
An animal is endangered if it has a threat of going extinct. Animals are primarily endangered due to a loss of habitat. Once an animal population reaches a certain threshold, it will also be endangered due to a loss of genetic diversity. Without genetic variation, the animal species will become inbred and have a greater predisposition to health concerns.
You can protect endangered species by following these easy steps:
- Do not support businesses that contribute to the destruction of the environment, such as the businesses that are clearcutting the Amazon Rainforest.
- Plant native plants around your property to attract native pollinators.
- Limit the use of herbicides and pesticides that can harm wildlife.
- Do not purchase animal products, such as ivory or exotic animal pets.
- Support a local wildlife refuge by donating or volunteering.

Protecting Animal Habitats
Habitat destruction is one of the main reasons for animals becoming endangered or extinct. Once an animal is gone, it is gone forever. You cannot bring back an animal from extinction.
Furthermore, when animals are faced with habitat destruction, they begin to encroach on human habitat. Predator animals, such as bears or wolves, become more intertwined with society as their habitat dwindles. It is beneficial for us to protect their habitats so they do not pose a threat to people.
You could protect local habitat loss by planting various species of native plants in your backyard. You can also avoid using chemical pesticides and herbicides in your gardens as pest control. Pesticides will kill native pollinators and other native species, not just the intended pest insect. Native insects are needed to maintain local populations of reptiles and birds.

What Happens To The Ecosystem If An Animal Goes Extinct?
Ecosystems are incredibly fragile and play a vital role in the well-being of plant and animal species. Each ecosystem has keystone species that must be protected to maintain ecological balance. Once a keystone species is removed, it has overwhelmingly negative environmental effects.
For example, a famous experiment by Robert Paine indicated the effects of removing a top predator from the food chain. When Paine removed all starfish from a local coastline, the starfish prey, barnacles and mussels, flourished. However, due to the enormous boom in barnacle and mussel populations, their primary food source was wiped out, which caused a rapid decline in local biodiversity levels across the whole food chain. This study shows that a healthy ecological balance between animals and plants plays a significant role in the natural world.
Every organism, even microscopic organisms, fulfills a niche. A niche is a role that an organism plays within an ecosystem. Having an animal go extinct has cascading effects on the remaining microorganisms in the local ecosystem.
What Is Wildlife Conservation?
Wildlife conservation attempts to protect both animal and plant species and their habitats from being destroyed. The greatest threats to wildlife conservation are habitat destruction, pollution, poaching, and climate change.
Overharvesting also has an adverse effect on animal species because it depletes their populations faster than they can replenish. Overharvesting is the unsustainable harvesting of wildlife for commercial purposes. It occurs when a species is harvested in numbers larger than its natural replenishment rate, which causes the population to decline or become locally extinct. This type of overexploitation can have devastating effects on the environment, as it can dramatically reduce biodiversity levels and disrupt existing food webs.
Farming and animal agriculture are at the top of the list for the worst impact on natural habitats. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), approximately 50% of all land in the United States is used for animal agriculture. This includes land used for grazing animals, feeding operations, and raising crops for livestock feed.

In addition to land use, animal agriculture also has a significant impact on water resources. Animal agriculture is responsible for 20-33% of all freshwater consumption in the world today and generates approximately 14% of global anthropogenic greenhouse gases.
The bottom line is that conserving wildlife and natural resources is imperative if we want to protect habitats and preserve the animal species that inhabit them. Wildlife conservation strategies include habitat protection, species reintroduction programs, anti-poaching efforts, and sustainable harvesting practices.
Going vegan for the animals and the planet (in addition to human health benefits) is a great way to support the climate and animal welfare movements!
How You Can Help
Do not get discouraged when you hear about the great number of animal species going extinct daily. There is still time to protect animals and save wildlife and biodiversity on this planet to mitigate the effects of climate change and habitat destruction. However, these changes cannot be completed overnight. Enlist the help of your family and friends to make small changes in your day-to-day lives to co-exist sustainably with local animal populations.
You could also donate to organizations, such as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The WWF uses its donations to petition for legislation that allows humans and animal species to coexist.
Lastly, you can get involved in environmental conservation and preservation by living sustainably. Your spending dollar has the biggest impact on business practices. Do not support businesses that are mistreating animals and destroying their habitats.